The timeless wardrobe: the white linen shirt

Both elegant and timeless, the white linen shirt is a must-have in every closet. This natural material is very soft to the touch and breathable and is particularly pleasant to wear. Easy to match with different types of outfits, linen can be worn to stay at home all day or to go out for a formal evening. It is a noble material that designers like to put on the front of their collections. Discover the specificities of this pretty textile with a summery scent and with which elements of your wardrobe to associate your white linen shirt.

How to wear your linen shirt?

It is in summer that linen is particularly appreciated by both men and women. The textile linen is a particularly light material and of only vegetable origin. It absorbs perspiration, but the moisture evaporates quickly: you will never have unsightly rings under your arms when wearing a linen shirt. Moreover, this material neutralizes odors. You can match your linen shirt both chic and bohemian with a casual outfit, mom jeans for example. As for shoes, opt for wedge sandals or espadrilles to complete this pretty summer look. But the linen shirt itself can take on a variety of styles, from the slim-fitting shirt that subtly enhances your curves to the fuller linen shirt with large puffed sleeves and the simple straight cut. Having a party? If you are a woman, embellish your white shirt with a small necklace decorated with natural stones. You can pair it with a long, brightly colored, floral skirt or with refined cigarette pants. Men can wear their linen shirt with straight pants and a pair of loafers. The simplest outfits are sometimes the most elegant! Linen is really a material that allows you to dress in a simple and casual way, while showing a rather classy look.

Linen, a natural material easy to maintain

Softer than cotton, airier than hemp, linen is an ideal ally to support the hot summer weather. Wearing a linen shirt, you'll never be too hot! Made from 100% natural fibers, it can be washed at a high temperature without any problem: put it in the machine on a 40°C cycle. Avoid all chlorine-based detergents, as they tend to yellow the linen fibers. Do not overload the washing machine either, to avoid creating new wrinkles that are difficult to remove from your shirt. Drying is more delicate, because it is a material that wrinkles easily. Therefore, choose a place in the shade, so that your shirt is not directly exposed to the sun's rays, and place it on a hanger that will allow the fibers of the fabric to relax gently. Your linen garment is so light that it will dry quickly! Ironing is an essential step for a linen shirt. Unlike cotton, linen quickly forms many wrinkles, so you can make your life easier by ironing your shirt while it is still damp. Otherwise, think of moistening it with the steam of the iron. Some steamers also have a special linen function. Don' t forget to turn your linen shirt inside out, to avoid any marks. Did you know that linen has the particularity of becoming softer and smoother with each wash? Your linen shirt will become more and more comfortable the more you wear it!